Music and Development of Creative Personality Within Higher Education Environment. Aesthetic and Semiotic Approach


  • Irina Cheremisova Prof. Dr., Head of the Deparment of Psychology, Volgograd State University.



music, musical education, classical music, aesthetic education, self-education, development of creative personality, secondary musical personality, elite education, synaesthesia


The article presents the results of the study confirming effectiveness of psychological support of creative personality development by means of music from the perspective of a new aesthetic-semiotic approach. The author proves that musical education determines development of creative personality. In addition to the above music is understood as a complex psychosemantic text, polysemantic and with a lot of different meanings. The study is centered around the use of classical music masterpieces performed "live" in psychological work. Basing on the analysis of researches the author developed a psychological mechanism for creative personality development by means of music, consisting of a system of interrelated conditions. The author describes types, methods, techniques aimed to develop musical creative personality with due account for specifics of modern educational environment of the university, based on the presented psychological mechanism. In the course of ascertaining experiment the following tasks were solved: 1) determine the level of musical and creative development of students from experimental and control groups; 2) identify characteristics of musical and creative development of University students. Results of the formative experiment showed that the implementation of a special educational program in the educational process significantly accelerates development of musicality and creativity of an individual and strengthens internal relationship of those characteristics (p-0. 01). A distinctive feature of the musical and semantic model of psychological support of creative personality development by means of music is that it can be applied at any stage of education in any educational institution.




How to Cite

Music and Development of Creative Personality Within Higher Education Environment. Aesthetic and Semiotic Approach. (2017). European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 78-87.